Thursday, June 18, 2009

Eating Backwards: Week 1= SUCCESS!

The idea of "eating backwards" first came to me because of our crazy eating schedule. Beej is pretty much gone (with the exception of the 20 minute shower break after PT) from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM every week day. In order to eat as a family, I didn't even start cooking dinner until 8:00, we would eat around 9:15, clean the kitchen, and then go to bed. The whole situation was unideal, but we liked eating together, so were willing to sacrifice.

Then I began to think, why do we eat the biggest meal at the end of the day, right before we go to bed? Wouldn't it make more since to eat the biggest meal at the beginning, when we are in the greatest need of energy and nourishment? So, for this week, we essentially flip-flopped our eating schedule.

We eat breakfast every morning together during Beej's shower break. (Don't worry, he does shower too!) We make sure that we get a well-rounded, balanced meal including fruits, protein, and good carbohydrates. This is our biggest meal of the day.

For lunch, we eat the meal that I have previously made, a meal that we would normally have for dinner. This week for lunch, we have had taco ring, beans with pesto bulgur, and spahgetti.

When Beej gets home from work at 9:00, we have a light dinner; usually what we would have normally eaten for lunch. (i.e. a sandwhich or salad)

Since we have started this, we are hungry less often, are less likely to make bad snacking choices, and are sleeping much better because our stomachs are not trying to digest all of the heavy food that we ate while we sleep. We are still getting the family table time, just at the beginning of the morning instead of at the end of the day. By eating breakfast together, we are also able to spend more time with one another throughout the course of the day. So far, we are LOVING it!

In other news, we are getting closer to starting our P90X challenge! It is not too late to join us if you are brave enough to take the challenge! >:)

Have a WONDERFUL day!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As you probably all know, I have been doing TurboJam for a little over 8 months now, and it has been absolutely FABULOUS!! But, Beej and I have decided that it's time to take the P90X challenge!! We are going to see just how in shape we can become in 90 days! Who's with us?!?! Don't be skeered!

If you want to join us, LET ME KNOW!

Friday, May 29, 2009

My life's calling:

As some of you may know, since moving to Florida I have been on somewhat of a search for something to occupy my time. Not necessarily a job or anything like that, just a way to make new friends and get out of the house. Well ladies and gentlemen, I have found my purpose here at Eglin AFB today!

I believe that God has put me here to better Eglin AFB. How? By using my artistic abilities to paint ONE WAY signs for all of the streets that are one way but not marked as such!! You may be thinking that this will not take more than a day or two. NOT SO! Just on my way to the FRG (Family Readiness Group) to find some volunteer information, I passed 8 streets that should have some form of indication that you can only go in one direction that remain unmarked. And yes, I accidently went down a few of them, letting people honk their horns, roll their eyes, and point at me with their middle fingers. I did not become frusterated, just laughed, smiled, and waved. Why? BECAUSE THERE ARE NO SIGNS TELLING ME I CAN'T GO DOWN A STREET UNTIL AFTER I HAVE ALREADY TURNED...SOMETIMES AFTER OVER TWO BLOCKS OF WANDERING!

So, now that I know my purpose here, I can move on to other things, like my work out! I'm doing TurboJam Cardio Party 3 today, and I am REALLY looking forward to it! I'm hoping that my legs (which are so sore from yesterday's workout that I could barely get out of bed) will be able to sustain all of my knee-front-kicks! :)

Yesterday, Beej made a 100 on the hardest test in school, which also has the highest failure rate. I am SOOOO proud of him! If you get the chance soon, make sure to tell him how awesome he is! Because well, he just is!

Have a wonderful weekend, family and friends!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Best Day EVERRR!!!

Today, I thought that I would share with you one of my favorite kid's favorite episode of Sponge Bob. (Are you following?) :) I will then explain why today is the BEST DAY EVER!!!

1. Today is Friday! That means Beej will stay up past 10:00!! WOOHOO!
2. Nathan will be here tomorrow! Rain or shine we will have a good time!
3. Military One Source called me today to let me know that they would pay for $6,000 dollars of my college. OMG!
4. My team beachbody introduction packet came in and I got a free mouse pad and buttons! YESS!!!
5. I'm about to let a little Punch, Kick and Jam kick my butt, and it's going to feel GREAT!

Thank you everyone for letting me share my good mood, and I hope that it inspires you to be in a good mood too! Have a wonderful, terrific day and weekend!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

I've decided that the best way to describe the relationship between me and my Legal Issues in Education instructor as equal to that of Harry Potter and Professor Snape. (And yes, I did just do that!) I think she hates me personally but still wants to look out for my best interests. I have had my suspicions about this throughout the course, but now the course is over and she literally GAVE (I have proof that I earned otherwise) me an A-, lowering my GPA to 3.93. I was upset about this at first, but then I thought about the way she would reply to my posts, and I realized that she is just a miserable being and I should feel badly for her. So, I do. :) I forgive you mean lady!!

I've been waiting on BJ's painting to get here since 7AM this morning, and it still isn't here. We are VERY much looking forward to finally being able to hang it in our living room though, so I'm going to hold tight with my front door and windows open so that I can bombard the UPS man when it finally arrives. :)

I haven't worked out yet today, but I am very much looking forward to T3 and AbSculpt. Hooray! I have a gym appointment with some other people that are doing the same workout as me online. Kinda creepy, but fun at the same time. For instance, yesterday, I hit myself in the face when I was "speedbagging" with my gloves on. Nobody was home, so I was a little sad that no one would be able to laugh at the situation. But alas, when I logged on to, I got to tell all of the people that were working out at the same time as me. And I guarantee you I made atleast 1 person in this country laugh out loud. So that was worth it. In other workout news, Nathan has declared his love for Chalene this morning! More updates on this later.

Speaking of Nathan, he will be here this weekend! Beej and I are sooo looking forward to his visit!

I hope everyone is having an EXCEPTIONAL day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quote of the day: "If you're still, and if you don't hope too much, peace will come to you. It's a grace. But you have to choose happiness."- Dean Koontz (Forever Odd)

I just read this quote today at the beach, but these words (or words similar) have been popping up all around me for the past couple of months. Since coming to Florida, I have really been opened up to seeing the world in a new light. Taking better care of myself through working out and eating healthily lead me to wanting to better myself spiritually. Going to church every day to become closer to God lead me to wanting to open my mind and heart to others. And finally, opening my mind and heart to others has lead me back around to bettering myself by choosing to serve others. Weird huh? And lately I've been thinking that I really do have so much to be thankful for. So, this means that my life must have just hit a positive turn, that's all. Or is it more than that? Maybe it's because over the last couple of months, I have made a deliberate choice to be happy. I have chosen to listen to God's plan for me instead of asking and begging for things to work in my favor. Amazingly, by choosing to be happy, I have become a happier person. Anyway, I feel like it would be selfish of me to hold all of this happiness and joy inside, so here I am sharing it with you! When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: "Today is going to be AMAZING!" Then take a couple of minutes to remind yourself about all of the things that you have to be thankful for. You'd be surprised at how much better your life will be. Seriously.

On a different note, I cooked Chipotle Salmon Tacos last night, and they were GREAT! I got the recipe from the BH&G cookbook, in the back with the eat healthy breast cancer extra stuff that came in my cookbook. I was going to give a link, but the website wants to pretend that it doesn't know what I'm talking about. So, if you would like the recipe, let me know! It's one of Beej's favorites so far!

I decided to kick my workout up a notch today and used the weighted gloves. HOLY COW! My workout went from pretty kick ass to REALLY KICK ASS! TurboJammers (ahem: Mom) should try it if they are getting kind of bored with Cardio Party! You will go to a whole new level!

That's all for now, have a wonderful, super duper day!
Ok. So. I have decided to start a blog. Not because I think that my life is interesting enough for other people to want to read about on a daily basis, (Ok, you're right, I do. But thinking and believing are two different things. HA!) but because it's a good way to keep in contact with friends and family. If you have made it to my page, Welcome! And thank you for thinking I am THAT cool. I hope to post interesting, thought provoking passages that improve the mood of everyone who reads them. Have a wonderful day, and I will start updating soon!